Losing weight while you sleep is a reality if you sleep late


Losing weight while you sleep is a reality if you sleep late

Losing weight while you sleep is a reality if you sleep late

Losing weight while you sleep is a reality if you sleep late

There are basically no health risks due to the short duration, but it is best to clarify with your doctor beforehand whether the juice fast is suitable for you personally. In the case of some chronic diseases, such as gout, diabetes or gastrointestinal diseases, it is only recommended to a limited extent as the symptoms can worsen.

How does juice fast work?

Thanks to the vegetable and fruit juices, the natural alkaline balance is restored in an over-acidic body. There is usually no feeling of excessive hunger, as fibers and around 300 kcal calories are absorbed with the juices. You can make all of the juices yourself by squeezing vegetables and fruits, or you can buy ready-made organic juices from health food stores or pharmacies. Make sure that the juices you buy are natural and contain no sugar or preservatives. Drink 1-1.5 liters of juice diluted with water and two to three liters of water daily.

Preventing damage: Fasting tips – This is how beginners fast the right way The advantages of fasting – What fasting brings you Effects of the fasting cure: useful or a pure myth? Fasting: This is what fasting really brings. Getting started with fasting: Glauber’s salt for getting started with fasting Health consequences: Therapeutic fasting – five tips for your success

You can normally do the short juice fast several times a year with an interval of one to two months, but not longer than a few days. Tip: Do additional exercise to increase the positive effects of juice fasting. Please consult your doctor before your first juice fast or with longer cures in order to rule out health risks.

Have you performed a BMI test and want to compare your value right away? Whether normal, under or overweight – with these tables you can classify your body mass index.

BMI tables for adultsOptimal body mass index by ageBMI table for children and adolescents

The body mass index is a quantity used to determine the relative body weight. It helps to find out whether the weight is in the normal range. If you don’t know your BMI yet, you can work it out.

You will then find tables here to classify the BMI value according to gender and age.

BMI tables for adults

When estimating the BMI, gender plays a major role. Men, for example, usually have a higher percentage of muscles than women. That is why one often finds gender-specific tables. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) has issued the following values.

Optimal body mass index according to age

Age must also be taken into account when assessing the BMI. The table of the National Research Council (NRC) classifies a higher BMI than normal weight with increasing age.

BMI table for children and adolescents

When considering the BMI, other guide values ​​apply to children and adolescents. Because they go through special growth and development phases at different ages. The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued this separate BMI table as a guide.

Information by formula: BMI calculator – is your weight in the healthy range? Estimating Weight: BMI Calculator – Does Your Child Have a Healthy Weight? Dangerous belly fat: waist-to-height ratio – what is behind it

In general, the body mass index is a rough guide. Neither the stature nor the individual composition of the body mass from fat and muscle tissue is taken into account. If you have any health concerns related to your body weight, you should definitely speak to your doctor.

Sources used: German Nutrition Society, German Obesity Society, World Health Organization: BMI’s own research, other sources, show less sources

Losing weight while you sleep is not just an empty phrase, because when you sleep late, the body gets the energy it needs from the stored fat.

Seven tips for losing weight
Photo series with 7 pictures

Studies show: Little sleep promotes weight gain

Many studies show that little sleep promotes obesity. It’s not about the nightly meal. Even with the same amount of calories, late risers stay slimmer. One explanation is that important regeneration processes need more energy at night than the reserves after a light dinner provide. The body gets this energy from the love handles. In the event of insomnia, this process is interrupted and the fat deposits remain.

Those who regularly wake up at night should counteract this with a light meal in the evening, little alcohol and plenty of exercise. (Preparing for the Diet: Valuable Tips)

Sleeping long means living healthier

Not sleeping long not only affects performance, it also affects weight. The hormonal balance plays a major role in this. The hormones ghrelin and leptin are important for this. Ghrelin is made in the stomach and signals hunger. In contrast, leptin is produced in the fat cells and sends a full signal. There is an equilibrium between the two hormones that is mixed up when you wake up at night.https://123helpme.me/argumentative-essay/ As a result, appetite and cravings often thwart the diet plan.

Losing weight while you sleep is a reality if you sleep late. (Muscle building in sleep: this is how important a night’s sleep is)

Tips for a good night’s sleep

In order to be able to fall asleep faster, a fixed daily rhythm is important. The body adapts to this process, gets used to it and then usually gets tired all by itself in the evening. Losing weight while you sleep also works if you are active, get some fresh air, and exercise regularly.

Questionable method: HCG diet – losing weight with pregnancy hormones?

Another good tip is to put a piece of paper and a pen next to the bed. Stressful thoughts that disturb the long sleep are noted and removed from the head. (Eating healthy in the office is easier than expected)

Obese people just eat too much. Not true, says the nutritionist. A metabolism impaired by fasting and dieting is often to blame. But you can strengthen it. How, explains Dr. Interview with Daniela Kielkowski. 

You have already gone through every diet, regularly struggle with exercise, eat little – but the pounds remain? Or have you had successful diets, but somehow they no longer work? The nutritionist Daniela Kielkowski illustrates how and why frequent fasting cures and diets, whether low-carb, crash diet or raw food diet, can damage your metabolism, especially in old age, and lead to long-term weight problems.

How a high-carbohydrate diet ultimately helped you lose weight better and more sustainably than fasting with a maximum of 500 kcal a day, the doctor explains in this video.

These protein foods help you lose weight
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t-online.de: Ms. Kielkowski, you work in Berlin-Charlottenburg as a doctor with a focus on nutritional medicine and metabolic diseases in your own practice "Body concepts". What do you like about your job?

Daniela Kielkowski: It is particularly important to me to refute the myths about diets and fasting. The metabolism says a lot about a person’s condition and way of life. You can do a lot for your health by changing little things.

They look after patients who, among other things, have weight problems and who no longer lose weight despite dieting and fasting. What happens to the body with frequent and strict diets and fasting?

During these phases, whether it is low-carb, a crash diet or fasting, the metabolism switches to reserve metabolism. And depending on how the metabolism worked before the fast or the diet, the body falls back on its emergency reserves. Most people assume that the body uses its fat stores to generate energy and thus reduces it. That would be the optimal result. But what ultimately happens in the body is very different. Some people also only lose muscle because they now have disturbed fat burning.

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What is the metabolism? Metabolism, or metabolism, is understood to mean all chemical reactions in the body that convert and transport substances. These include hormone metabolism, energy metabolism, protein or fat metabolism. They supply our body cells with everything they need. In order for the individual metabolism to function smoothly, certain requirements must be met. The following interview speaks of a disturbed lipid metabolism.

How do I know my fat metabolism is disturbed?

You can guess when, despite dieting, you stop losing your fat and sometimes even gain weight. You will certainly know when you have your metabolism analyzed. Certain questions about sleep, diet, previous diets, genetics or stress in everyday life can also be used to find out the causes of obesity. A lack of exercise and eating too much are not always to blame. People who eat too little and exercise too much can also be overweight.

How can that be? If less energy is consumed than is consumed, the body takes existing fat reserves out of the body.

In principle, this is correct and applies to young or healthy people. Fasting and dieting are always stressful for the body. If you overwork these phases, the brain remembers them the next time and wants to protect itself from them. It can happen that the body refuses to lose fat with repeated or too long diets and prefers to save energy or take it from other sources such as muscles.

Daniela Kielkowski: The doctor who specializes in nutritional medicine has been focusing on metabolic diseases since 2009. (Source: Daniela Kielkowski / t-online)

So the body depends on its fat?

I agree. Imagine that the body needs money to function. The calories are our currency, i.e. the energy for all body functions: heartbeat, thoughts, every step. The brain wants to ensure this life and needs the basic rent plus additional income for, for example, sporting activities and everyday movement. If you have been providing the body with less money in the form of food than it needs for too long, the brain is trying to save effectively. And it doesn’t save on the heartbeat first, but instead regulates the fat metabolism over the long term. Because the fat deposits are the account, and of course the body wants to keep that. If you do eat more at a party – as an exception – then the body quickly absorbs these calories and puts them on the account: you gain weight.

But I know people who went on a two-week diet and their fat melted away …

I’m talking about people who previously had a negative impact on their metabolism through their lifestyle – many and long diets, irregular diet, incorrect intermittent fasting. 

Then it’s difficult to lose weight.

If you do not influence your body through recurring long-term diets, losing weight is easy – according to the principle "those who consume less energy than they use lose weight". But if you resume your lifestyle after the diet as you did before the diet and gain weight again and then start dieting again, your metabolism adapts to it. Then in the long run it becomes more and more difficult to lose these kilos.

However, if you use a diet or a fasting cure in order to then integrate new habits such as exercise or a regular and balanced diet and abandon old habits such as smoking, too little exercise or too much fast food, you can stay healthy and slim in the long term.

Don’t I have to worry that my body will immediately store this energy again if I eat more after the diet?

Only if the metabolism is disturbed or you eat too little after completing the diet. If you continue to eat below what you need after a successful diet, the body packs this energy back into its depots. But if you really eat enough, he is calm and works normally. Do not be afraid. A functioning metabolism can also process 500 calories too many without immediately putting them into your account. But we can also optimize a disturbed metabolism again if we change the things that led to it. For example, eating too few carbohydrates for years or skipping breakfast for a long time. This can work for a short time and the fat metabolism of young people can regulate itself again on its own, but the more often and longer you eat this, the more likely the negative changes are, especially in old age.

What are your rules of thumb in order to improve the changed fat metabolism again and to maintain the weight?

First: From now on, never leave the house sober. Remember: Nobody has grown fat from breakfast. Your body wants to be paid for its daily services. Give him that energy.

Second, eat high-carb meals before 3 p.m. in the morning and at noon. The body needs the energy for the day, otherwise it will save or pull it out of the muscles. Eat good carbohydrates and don’t be afraid. Eat your fill. Because: paid is paid. If the body has received the most in the afternoon, it has no reason to sit there in the evening and demand 1,000 calories from you in the form of chips.




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